Central Colorado Humanists Events
CCH Events
CCH Board Meeting
The CCH Board meets on the first Thursday after the 4th of each month. Members are welcome to request an invite to our monthly Board Meeting or are welcome to put a request in writing to be considered by the Board.
Stammtisch Buena Vista
Simple Eatery in Buena Vista Say 'Hello' to old friends and meet new ones over good food, drink, and conversation. On the first and fourth Thursday of each month, in Buena Vista and Salida respectively, members and friends of the Central Colorado Humanists gather for an 'agenda-free' time of nourishing relationships. From Wikipedia: A Stammtisch ... Read more
CCH Book Club
Our CCH Book Club meets bi-monthly on the second Monday of the month normally at 5:00 pm. Book Club is open to members who have joined the Book Club mailing list. Books are on topics of relevance to Humanists.
Stammtisch Salida
Salida Stammtisch will be meeting at Vino Salida Say 'Hello' to old friends and meet new ones over good food, drink, and conversation. On the first and fourth Thursday of each month, in Buena Vista and Salida respectively, members and friends of the Central Colorado Humanists gather for an 'agenda-free' time of nourishing relationships. From ... Read more
“Adopt-A-Highway” cleanup day.
The Central Colorado Humanists participate each year in the “Adopt-A-Highway” program to clean up litter along our adopted section of CO 291, and it’s that time of year once again. We are responsible for a 2-mile section of the road that begins near the Pridemore bridge towards the northern end of CO 291. It doesn’t ... Read more
Stammtisch Buena Vista
Simple Eatery in Buena Vista Say 'Hello' to old friends and meet new ones over good food, drink, and conversation. On the first and fourth Thursday of each month, in Buena Vista and Salida respectively, members and friends of the Central Colorado Humanists gather for an 'agenda-free' time of nourishing relationships. From Wikipedia: A Stammtisch ... Read more
CCH Board Meeting
The CCH Board meets on the first Thursday after the 4th of each month. Members are welcome to request an invite to our monthly Board Meeting or are welcome to put a request in writing to be considered by the Board.
Stammtisch Salida
Salida Stammtisch will be meeting at Vino Salida Say 'Hello' to old friends and meet new ones over good food, drink, and conversation. On the first and fourth Thursday of each month, in Buena Vista and Salida respectively, members and friends of the Central Colorado Humanists gather for an 'agenda-free' time of nourishing relationships. From ... Read more
Clay Jenkinson Scholarship Fundraiser
Clay Jenkinson Scholarship Fundraiser 3pm at Salida SteamPlant
CCH Board Meeting
The CCH Board meets on the first Thursday after the 4th of each month. Members are welcome to request an invite to our monthly Board Meeting or are welcome to put a request in writing to be considered by the Board.
Stammtisch Buena Vista
Simple Eatery in Buena Vista Say 'Hello' to old friends and meet new ones over good food, drink, and conversation. On the first and fourth Thursday of each month, in Buena Vista and Salida respectively, members and friends of the Central Colorado Humanists gather for an 'agenda-free' time of nourishing relationships. From Wikipedia: A Stammtisch ... Read more
CCH Book Club
Our CCH Book Club meets bi-monthly on the second Monday of the month normally at 5:00 pm. Book Club is open to members who have joined the Book Club mailing list. Books are on topics of relevance to Humanists.