New Membership Registration

  • Central Colorado Humanists Membership Registration Form

    A. Information about person completing this form (bold* = required)

  • B. Membership and donation info. Note: Membership fees and donations given to CCH, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

    Type of membership – (‘Benefactor’ includes ‘Household’)
  • Select Membership Level – (click on the arrow to see menu of membership levels then click on the one desired)
  • If you select the PayPal payment option, you will see a PayPal button at the bottom of the form which will submit your info and allow you to pay
    Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
    MM/YY CVV  
  • E. Volunteer opportunities

    Please consider how you might be able to help the organization grow and prosper, and then check any places where you could contribute.

  • Person completing this form
  • Person completing this form. Check all that apply.
  • F. Please list any special skills (e.g. Sunday Science speaker, Accounting, IT or audio/video expertise, etc) that you (and/or your partner) have that could benefit our organization. 

  • G. Anything else we should know? Professional background? Special interests? Suggestions?

  • CCH is required to periodically share basic contact info for our members with the American Humanist Association to maintain our status as a ‘chapter’ of the AHA. Completing this form grants us permission to do so, but beyond that we won’t share any of your personal information without your explicit permission.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.