Buena Vista Stammtisch: Sangre de Cristo Electric Community Room. Say 'Hello' to old friends and meet new ones over good food, drink, and conversation. On the first Thursday of each month, in Buena Vista, members and friends of the Central Colorado Humanists gather for an 'agenda-free' time of nourishing relationships. From Wikipedia: A Stammtisch (German: ... Read more
The CCH Board meets on the third Thursday of each month. Members are welcome to request an invite to our monthly Board Meeting, or are welcome to put a request in writing to be considered by the Board.
Salida Stammtisch: Salida Golf Course Cafe Say 'Hello' to old friends and meet new ones over good food, drink, and conversation. On the third Thursday of each month, in Salida, members and friends of the Central Colorado Humanists gather for an 'agenda-free' time of nourishing relationships. From Wikipedia: A Stammtisch (German: "regulars’ table") is an ... Read more