CCH 2024 Scholarship Recipients!

2024 Scholarship Recipients

The CCH Scholarship committee is pleased to introduce the 2024 Central Colorado Humanist Scholarship recipients. The selection process was challenging for the Scholarship Committee as we had more applicants than ever before. We have selected a stellar group of eight high school seniors who will be attending four-year colleges and will receive $1500 each. Our first trade school recipient will receive $1,000.  Three 2023 recipients will receive a continuing scholarship of $1000 each for their sophomore year. Five students graduated from Buena Vista High School and four from Salida High School. Our eight seniors attending four-year colleges had an average cumulative GPA of 3.97. We are delighted with this outstanding group of scholarship recipients and thank the CCH members and volunteers for making the scholarships possible.

Scholarship Committee:

Gene Marsh, Chairperson
Greg Justis, Assistant Chairperson
Kathy Henley
Denise Knapp
Judy MacKnight
Larry Moscow
Jan Ohmstede

Audrey Johnson

Audrey Johnson, a Buena Vista High School graduate, is planning to pursue a degree in Aerospace Engineering. With this degree, she hopes to contribute to space exploration, as well as research and development. Audrey was named a “top performer” in math and STEM classes and often helped other students by tutoring in science and math. She played on the school volleyball team, ran track and cross country and was active in the Student Athlete Leadership Team as well. Audrey will be attending Wichita State University.

Grace McFarland

Grace McFarland was an outstanding student at Salida High School. She also participated in numerous extra-curricular activities and sports. She was a soccer player and coach. She played flute in the concert and marching bands. As an artist she earned National Art Honor Society recognition and was President of the Salida Environmental Club. Her goal is to pursue a degree in Environmental Engineering to “help develop a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.” Grace will be attending Colorado State University.

Opal Juba

Opal Juba, a Salida High School graduate, is seeking to cultivate and expand her artistic talents. A painting of hers won an award in Colorado and is being entered in a national competition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Opal excelled academically and was a member of the National Honor Society. She served as crew chief for the theater. Her experience with and interest in neurodivergent disabilities has motivated her art throughout high school and continues to inspire her. Opal will be attending Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Danika McFadden

Danika McFadden has “strong beliefs about the importance of equity in society, and our country’s necessity to achieve justice across race, nationality, gender, and sexuality differences.” She will be pursuing a degree in Political Science. Danika was President of the National Honor Society, and a member of the National Art Honor Society. She also played soccer for Buena Vista High School. She was a volunteer at the Buena Vista Library and worked as a baker and cook while excelling academically with advanced level classes. Danica will be attending Willamette University in Salem, Oregon.

Tayla Young

Tayla Young, a Salida High School graduate, has developed a strong
passion for pediatric audiology and is pursuing a degree in speech and hearing.
She has served as an audiology intern at the elementary school. She was captain
of the Salida swim team and has worked as a lifeguard at the aquatic center.
She also has been a swim instructor in the summers. Tayla is a member of the
National Honor Society. Tayla will be attending Arizona State University.

Radana Jo Myers

Radana Jo Myers, a Salida High School graduate, will pursue
studies in international relations and diplomacy with a long term goal of
working in the State Department to promote human rights around the globe. She
will be studying for three years at the Anglo-American University in Prague,
Czech Republic. Radana indicates that the school is comprised primarily of
international students. At Salida High School, Radana’s math teacher described
her as a positive, motivated and resolute student who constantly ranks at the
top of her class and is quick to help others. Radana Jo has studied piano for
14 years. She has volunteered with Interact, YIA and Garna.

Chloe Puckett

Chloe Puckett, a graduate of Buena Vista High School, will be pursuing majors in Political Science and Vocal Music at the University of Denver Lamont School of Music. Her guidance counselor at Buena Vista High School commends Chloe for her critical thinking skills, natural gift for writing, strong work ethic, and her deep commitment to community and civic engagement. Chloe has been a member of the Buena Vista High School Theater Troupe for four years, including participating in three plays and four musicals. She has also been a member of Buena Vista High School Soundscapes Choir, including four honor choirs and two years at All State Choir. She was Choir leader for two years.

Peyton Wakefield

Peyton Wakefield, a graduate of Buena Vista High School, will pursue her degree in elementary education with emphasis in social studies at Colorado Mesa University. Her goal is to expand her knowledge of societal structure, participatory democracy and human rights. Peyton is described by her National Honor Society Advisor as extraordinary in character, ambition, academics and compassion. Peyton has been a member of the National Honor Society and the Tri-M Musical Honor Society. She was a member of the Interact club. Peyton also was a member of the Student Athlete Leadership Team and participated in cross country, track and cheerleading.

Aman Wingo

Aman Wingo is originally from Ethiopia. As a graduate of Buena Vista High School, he overcame several health challenges to play basketball, football and run track. He has also learned three languages with English being the most recent, while completing his educational requirements and working, Aman has developed a strong interest in becoming an electrician and recognizes the need for electrical services in schools, hospitals and marginalized communities in particular. He is the first trade school applicant to be funded by the Central Colorado Humanists and will be attending Colorado Mesa University Tech in the Construction Electrician program. 

In addition to the nine high school seniors featured above, three 2023 scholarship recipients are receiving continuing scholarships for their sophomore year.

Izayah Baxter will be in his second year of study towards a degree in Industrial Engineering at Montana State University in Bozeman Montana.

Harper Reid will continue her studies toward a double major in Accounting and Finance at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida.

Sarah Chick will be in her second year of study at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. She is pursuing a major in Biochemistry and a minor in Borders and Languages.

For more information about the Central Colorado Humanists college scholarship program, including how to apply, please contact us from the button below: